Well, the transition back to reality after the wonderful summer holidays has now happened, so new routines are being established and early mornings are again the norm. However, there have still been plenty of highlights from the past couple of weeks:
- We ensured that we made the most of the last days of the summer holidays, enjoying another ten days in Norfolk, then a couple of days at home, before G went back to school. We had a lovely day out meeting friends at Rutland Water, where the children all went on the Aqua Park, before enjoying a picnic lunch and then back to our friends’ house for a quick drink.
- After G had gone back to school, B and I went for a lovely walk with the dogs at Poppy Wood. It was really good to have a couple of days alone with him before he went back to school, so this was a special trip.

4. Whilst in Norfolk, I had collected a lovely piece of driftwood from the beach, which, with the help of a chisel and hammer, I turned into a tealight holder, which I absolutely love!
5. We had a very lazy, but fun, family afternoon on Saturday. We spent most of the second half of the day snuggled up in the sitting room, as it was pretty rainy, watching our new favourite family TV programme, Hustle, playing board games and eating snacks – a great way to spend a wet Saturday.
6. As it was B’s last night at home on Sunday, we went to the Cuban restaurant in Derby for a meal. The children loved the huge selection of tapas, and we had a lovely evening.
7. This week has been a productive one, and I have managed to achieve just about everything on my “to do” list – making appointments, booking accommodation and trains for the holiday G and I are taking next month, touching up some of the paintwork in the house (still plenty more of this to do!), etc., etc. I do love ticking things off a list!
8. The beautiful lilies I bought last week at Lidl (£3.30!) have made me very happy this week – they are huge, such a vibrant colour and smell amazing.
9. I had a lovely lunch – and well overdue catch up – with a good friend yesterday. We had a great natter over a delicious Thai meal – fabulous!
10.I still have plenty of things that I want to do around the house, but it is nice to be able to start forming some kind of plan to do these things, and I am now also able to begin my proof-reading course as well, so this is very much a week of looking forward to all the positive things happening shortly – always a good feeling.
Well, G is off on her DoE expedition this weekend (we have everything crossed for better weather for her then during the practice!), so D and I have some time to ourselves. We haven’t planned anything yet – but it will probably involve some kind of sorting or organising at some point, so wish us luck with that!! Have a great weekend!